We are excited to announce that we will be taking our youth students (7th-12th graders) to the annual Reality Weekend (now called United Conerence) event in Benton. The event will take place Feb. 14th – 16th. If your student wants to join us it is $40 and they have to be signed up by January 22nd. It is always an incredible weekend and God does huge things. We cannot wait to see what He does this year!
Look at what the Lord Did in 2024!
We had such an amazing time at our Awana Grand Prix! It was so much fun watching the kids showing off their cars and racing them down our track. Thank you to all of the parents that brought your children out on a Saturday and to all of our volunteers that helped make it such a great day.
On Feb. 16th and 17th Ignite Youth students attended the Lift Tour Conference at First Baptist Church Benton! The conference was an incredible weekend event with amazing worship and powerful enlightening messages. We had students make Jesus their Lord and Savior and saw everyone grow closer in their relationship with Him!
Women’s Bible Study
We had a great turnout for our Spring Lifepoint Women’s six-week bible study featuring Christine Caine entitled, “Don’t Look Back.
We had so much fun this year at our annual Evening With The Stars fundraiser. We raised over $4,000 for our kid’s and youth summer camps. Thank you to everyone who helped out this year and to everybody that gave. A gigantic thank you to the Bussell family who donated and cooked all the food! 
Summer camp for both our kids and youth students was absolutely incredible! We had lots of fun and more importantly got deeper into our relationships with Jesus! Thank you to everybody who gave, prayed, and volunteered! There’s no way that we could have done it without you! And a huge shout out to the Church of God denomination and their staff for letting us use their campground!
What a great turnout and experience the women had for their bible study this fall! The fall bible study featured Lisa Harper entitled, “Luke: Gut-Level Compassion.” It encouraged the ladies to focus on the imperfect love and compassion that Jesus has for imperfect people. Keep your eyes peeled for future events for the Lifepoint Women’s group!
Children’s Christmas Program

Our Lifepoint Kids Ministry did an incredible job telling the story of the birth of Jesus! We had two services for the first time ever and between the two services we had 33 kids in total up on the stage. Thank you to everybody that was involved in putting on both productions!


Christmas Service!
We had a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Savior with communion, candlelight, and worship!