About Us Lifepoint Community Church is a church where people from all types of backgrounds and generations come together to worship God, and enjoy life. From the very beginning, Lifepoint has felt passionate about grace-oriented ministry and leadership. Our desire is to show grace rather than have a set of legalistic rules. Through the years people from many church affiliations, and many with no prior church experience have come to worship. We learn how to live biblical principles together. Lifepoint is an inter-denominational church. We fully respect the preferences and traditions that people have learned in various churches. We also realize that not everyone is familiar with the many traditions of different churches. While it is impossible to acknowledge all the traditions of many churches, we can help explain them so others who are not familiar with them can appreciate them too. We use the L-I-F-E in Lifepoint to describe our purpose.
Loving God Inspiring Others Fostering Faith Enjoying Life
What to Expect We realize attending a church for the first time can be a little awkward. However, at Lifepoint you will be greeted by a friendly person. They are available to answer any question you may have, or simply smile as you come in. You will find coffee, and water in the foyer. There is a nursery, and classes for kids through the fourth grade in the Kidpoint area. Kids will enjoy the huge indoor playground. They will also have a class where they learn valuable life lessons from God’s word. The music style is mostly contemporary with an occasional hymn. There is no dress code as the environment is casual. All the teachings are directed to helping people have a healthy relationship with God, and helpful in living everyday life.
Ministry Partners
Globelink Foundation
Globelink is committed to spreading the Gospel of Jesus to those who have not heard. Globelink’s mission points are focused in Ghana West Africa, and Southeast Asia. Founder’s Danny and Sue Jaynes have been gifted in communicating the Bible through Kid’s Clubs, Pastor training centers, church buildings, job training, evangelism services, one to one market place witnessing, healthcare, and more. Not only are they spreading the message of Jesus, but they work to help those who feel trapped by a cycle of poverty. They also teach skills and work habits people need to provide for themselves and their families. For more information see: globelinkfoundation.net
In our effort to practice what we preach, Lifepoint reaches
out to around 30 ministries and non-profits in Hot Spring County,
Arkansas and around the world each year.
We feel that these groups can touch people’s lives in ways
that many of us cannot. It takes the gifts and callings of many people to
become the Great Commission in action.
At Lifepoint we know that we cannot help everyone.
However, we can help those who are helping others.
In doing this we are multiplying our time and resources to help others.